Backupset generating issue / help


May 13, 2014
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Hello All,

I have a problem with the generating of backupsets. I am using TSM version 5.5. We are migrating away, and want to keep the data on tapes, so we decided to use backupsets. Here comes the problem. I enter the command:

generate backupset servername tarfilename devc=deviceclass scratch=no volume=volumename retention=nolimit wait=no pitdate=today datatype=all TOC=no

The problem is, I enter a volume name, but the software creates the backupset onto another tape. I have tried to write onto a scratch tape, that is in the library, but the command uses another one. If i try to create it onto a tape, that is already in a storage pool, it says, that it is already in use, and cannot be used for creating backupsets.

My question is, how can i create the backupset onto specified tapes? Also, can i put multiple backupsets into one tape?

Thank you
If you provide a volume name, it will use that one, unless it cannot (ie already used by something else). If you have scratch=no, it will still use a scratch if the volume you specified cannot be used.

My question is, how can i create the backupset onto specified tapes?
Make sure the volume(s) you are specifying is not in used by anything else. Wouldn't it be easier to just send it to scratch, then take note of which tapes were used, as opposed to pre-allocating them?

Also, can i put multiple backupsets into one tape?
No, but you can include more than one node in a backupset, just separate them with commas:
generate backupset node1,node2,node3 ...
Thank you very much, it seems to be working now. However, i have one issue with the backupset for SQL backups:

ANR4918W The filespace DERUSAHVSQL1\meta\0000 (1) for node DERUSAHVSLQ1_SQL will not be included in the backupset DERUAHSQL001_TAR.809112539 (data type Image) because it was not created by the backup/archive client and cannot be restored from the backupset. (SESSION: 2327241, PROCESS: 9166)
Looks like a TDP SQL filespace, perfectly normal as the warning message says.
Thank you. But as i see, the process is gone, and the backupset is not generated. That means, that the backupset can't be generated at all?
As far as i know it is only SQL, filespaces are being saved separately
Yes they are, but TDP filespaces cannot be part of a backupset, so they are skipped.

Can you show:
Thank you all, everything worked fine.
One last question, if I may. I cannot generate a TOC, because TSM says i don't have a policy domain for it. Can you help me, how to set up the TOC?
It depends. What's the full error messages you are getting?

This is what I get:

ANR1112W : No table of contents destination storage pool available for backup set for node DEFRAAS0015N2_1YEAR (data type File). The table of contents will not be created.
ANS8003I Process number 3600 started.