BA Client restore from another Node to my Node.


Dec 1, 2009
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I want to restore a file from another node's backup to my PC using the BA GUI.

This should be simple, but I appear to be unable to do this. I am a newbie TSM admin. I inherited a neglected system and I'm trying to learn the ropes as I go.

I have the BA client installed on my PC and I want to retrieve a file that is in TSM via another node's backup. (Specifically, I want to retrieve the dsm.opt file that was used in a server that has been retired and is no longer on the network, but its backup still remains in TSM).

I run my BA Client ( and it logs into the AIX TSM Server (5.5.4). If I select restore, I can see all of the files for my PC. If I change to 'access another node', I can see that there is a c drive under the file level, but I can't see any of its contents. Via ISC, I have added myself as a proxynode agent to the other node. I also granted myself "Client Owner Privileges" to the other node. Still I can't seem to access its files.

If I select the C: drive from the File Level area of the BA client, it gives me a brief hour glass and the contents area remains empty.

I know that I'm doing something wrong, so I'm hoping that someone here can help.

Hey Don,

If this were me, I'd be tempted to remove all possible access obstacles/intricacies and simplify: either temporarily change the NODENAME in your PC's DSM.OPT file to the node you're restoring and then start your TSM BA Client, or issue, from the command line: "DSM.EXE -VIRTUALNODENAME=<the_nodename_of_the_server_whose_data_I_want_to_restore>" In either instance, you may be prompted to enter the password for the old node: if you don't know this, I'd update this on the TSM Server either from the ISC or via UPDATE NODE <node_name> <new_password> (as it's a retired node this shouldn't pose a problem).

From here, you should be able to restore whatever stuff there remains on the server for this node without worrying about whether you've granted the right permissions to access its data from another node. If you're still not seeing the data at this point then there's something else a bit hinky going on which may require a bit more digging...


David McClelland
London, UK

Thank you for the reply. I do have access to the node passwords, so I setup my dsm.opt with the other nodename as you suggested and it worked. I am still at a loss as to why I could not access the node from my unmodified dsm.opt, but I am at least able to access the data.

Thanks a lot for your help.

I think to do so from your PC (unchanged) to the node in question you have to grant access to the node for your PC.

Either way as you've seen, spoofing the clients is by far the easiest way to get the proper result.

check out grant proxynode it might help