Archived SQL backups


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Hi all,

I have a need to archive some SQL full backups. Normal full/incremental schedules are of action type "cmd". Arhive schedules would need to be of action type "Archive", I'm assuming ... but will that still work with a schedule that runs a .cmd file out of the Objects part of the schedule? The schedule definition I have defined now is listed below.

Policy Domain Name: ***
Schedule Name: ***
Description: Monthly archive for SQL servers
Action: Archive
Objects: "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\TDPSql\cmd\sqlfull.cmd"
Priority: 3
Start Date/Time: 04/01/2013 18:00:00
Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Schedule Style: Enhanced
Day of Week: Sat
Month: Any
Day of Month: Any
Week of Month: Second
Last Update by (administrator): ***
Last Update Date/Time: 02/27/2013 10:50:08
Managing profile:

Any thoughts on whether or not this will archive data using my full command script would be greatly appreciated.

Sincere thanks,
I am not sure if this is going to work.

why dont you create a different opt and point them in the cmd file with different management class setting?

this has worked for me as i have 2 nodes 1 for dialy and 1 for monthly i use differnt opts and sometimes different mgmt classes as well .
I'm not sure that's going to work either.

Pointing the .cmd file to a different management class is a nice idea. Does that work in a tdpsqlc backup command, though? The way I'm running that full now is:

%sql_dir%\tdpsqlc backup * full /tsmoptfile=%sql_dir%\dsm.opt /logfile=%sql_dir%\sqlfull.log >> %sql_dir%\sqlschedfull.log

I'm trying to steer away from multiple nodes and multiple .opt files if I can. I know you can point everything in the SQL .opt file to a different management class. In fact, I think the default sample .opt file comes with examples of how to do that. I wonder if that works also for achrive managment classes?
I just thought of another good question ... maybe this is obvious, but if you're using different .opt files, I'm assuming your running multiple scheduler services for your SQL backups?