ANR2579E Schedule in domain for node failed (return code 12)


Active Newcomer
Nov 4, 2015
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I have a daily incremental backup that failed with this error lessage ANR2579E Schedule in domain for node failed (return code 12). I checked in the dsmsched.log of the client and i notice that the backup end without problem and no failed objects I only see this message in the begin of the backup:

30.10.15 04:32:35 Sauvegarde incrémentale du volume '/recovery/*'
30.10.15 04:32:36 Fichier normal --> 28 628 025 344 /recovery/file.dmp ** Echec **
30.10.15 04:32:36 ANS1114I Attente du montage d'un support hors ligne
30.10.15 04:38:43 Relance de # 1

30.10.15 04:38:43 Fichier normal --> 28 628 025 344 /recovery/file .dmp [Envoyé]

So can you help me please about this?

Thanks in advance
In order to get a return code 12, there has to be an error message, one that ends with E. Might be easier to check the dsmerror.log between the start time and end time of the backup, there will be less messages to go through.

Or try this:
cd /d "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient"
findstr ANS....E dsmsched.log
findstr ANS....E dsmerror.log

This is what I have in the error log:

30.10.15 04:32:35 ANS5216E Impossible d'établir une connexion TCP/IP avec l'adresse 'X.X.X.X:1500'. L'erreur TCP/IP est 'Un hôte distant a rejeté une tentative de connexion (connect).' (n° d'erreur = 79).
30.10.15 04:32:35 ANS9201W Chemin d'accès hors réseau local incorrect.
30.10.15 04:32:35 ANS9201W Chemin d'accès hors réseau local incorrect.
30.10.15 04:49:23 ANS1512E L'événement planifié '.............' a échoué avec le code retour = 12.

And this is what i have in the dsmched.log:


Thanks for your help.
30.10.15 04:32:35 ANS5216E Impossible d'établir une connexion TCP/IP avec l'adresse 'X.X.X.X:1500'. L'erreur TCP/IP est 'Un hôte distant a rejeté une tentative de connexion (connect).' (n° d'erreur = 79).
If this is on AIX, erreur = 79 means: ECONNREFUSED or Connection refused.

Was the TSM Server up and running at that time? Check the activity log for problems around and before 30.10.15 04:32:35 on the TSM Server.

If the TSM Server was healthy at that time, then it would suggest a networking problem.g

the TSM client is an AIX server, the TSM server run linux OS (RHEL). The message :

30.10.15 04:32:35 ANS5216E Impossible d'établir une connexion TCP/IP avec l'adresse 'X.X.X.X:1500'. L'erreur TCP/IP est 'Un hôte distant a rejeté une tentative de connexion (connect).' (n° d'erreur = 79).

is generated in the tsm client error log of the AIX client.

As I know the server is healthy because other scheduled jobs run perfectly and I have the problem every night only with this AIX client.

Is there another tests to perform to determine the source of the problem ?
So, if the client is AIX, then yes error 79 is an AIX error code for connection refused. You can look it up in errno.h

There are a few, but they have to be done when the problem occurs and all of them would have to revolve around networking. Such as ping from client to server and vice-versa. Telnet from client to server on port 1500. And any too that your network team has access to that can help troubleshoot a communication problem between two.