
[Networker] Problems using VB script as pre/post command

2010-11-22 15:31:28
Subject: [Networker] Problems using VB script as pre/post command
From: Michael Leone <Michael.Leone AT PHA.PHILA DOT GOV>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:29:16 -0500
We use SourceOne from EMC as mail archiving for our Lotus Notes 
environment. They provide 2 VB scripts to pause SourceOne, so it can be 
backed up, and 2 more to resume it, when the backup is done. The scripts 
work perfectly fine from the command line, but are not working when I 
attempt to use them as pre/post commands.

Here's my .res file on the SourceOne client:

type: savepnpc;
precmd: "C:\\PHA_Scripts\\SuspendSourceOne.CMD";
pstcmd: "C:\\PHA_Scripts\\ResumeSourceOne.CMD";
timeout: "12:00:00";
abort precmd with group: No;

So the "precmd" is a script I wrote, to call each VB script in sequence. 
Similarly for the postcmd.


ECHO "Job start - %DATE% %TIME%" >>"C:\PHA_Scripts\logs\Suspend.log"
ECHO "Stopping Archive %TIME%" >>"C:\PHA_Scripts\logs\Suspend.log"
ECHO "Stopping Activity %TIME%" >>"C:\PHA_Scripts\logs\Suspend.log"

Straight forward enough. Write a line to a log file; execute VB script. 
And this SuspendSourceOne.CMD scripts works flawlessly from a standard 
command prompt in Win2003. But does not seem to work when called by 
Networker. I see - in the Windows Event Log - 

Event Type:     Error
Event Source:   EMC SourceOne
Event Category: ExASAdminAPI 
Event ID:       1024
Date:           11/22/2010
Time:           3:02:07 PM
User:           N/A
Computer:       ADMNMAN015
Cannot communicate with the database. (0x86040400) 
>Cannot communicate with the database. (0x86040400) 
>Cannot communicate with the database. (0x86040400) 
[ES1_NativeArchiveSuspend, CoExJDFDB.cpp(336).CoExJDFDB::Init] 
>{Login failed for user 'PHA.PHILA.GOV\ADMNMAN015$'. Native error: 18456 
SQL State: 42000 }

Since it works from the command prompt, it *must* have something to do 
with how the environment is set up by the precmd. But I have no idea what, 
or where to even look to confirm. I don't write VB script, and so I 
hesitate to go changing something that works as provided by the vendor And 
all my searches seem to lead down paths that don't apply. . Anyone using 
SourceOne? How are you suspending and resuming activity before backup?


Michael Leone
Network Administrator, ISM
Philadelphia Housing Authority
2500 Jackson St
Philadelphia, PA 19145
Tel:  215-684-4180
Cell: 215-252-0143
<mailto:michael.leone AT pha.phila DOT gov>

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