
Re: [Networker] jbconfig in 7.4 selects wrong SCSI bus for robot?

2007-12-07 07:34:41
Subject: Re: [Networker] jbconfig in 7.4 selects wrong SCSI bus for robot?
From: Francis Swasey <Frank.Swasey AT UVM DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 07:29:16 -0500
On 12/7/07 6:22 AM, Davina Treiber wrote:
Tim Mooney wrote:

Has anyone ever seen inquire and/or jbconfig report that a robot is on
a different SCSI b/t/l combo than the OS reports?

The library (a partitioned L700) and drives are connected over fibre via
a QLA2342 dual-port FC HBA.  The 2.6 kernel probes the busses in a
different order than the 2.4 kernel did, so the QLA2342 HBA now appears
as SCSI bus 2 & 3, whereas before it appeared as 0 & 1.  That meant a
re-run of jbconfig.

Are you saying you are seeing multiple copies of the same controller port? Or just that with the new OS it changed the c.t.l of the controller port?

I have an open issue with EMC because inquire and jbconfig on Solaris 9 are seeing multiple copies of both my jukeboxes that are fibre attached (one via SAN and one direct). ... so, if you are seeing the same thing that would help my sanity level :-)

Frank Swasey                    |
Sr Systems Administrator        | Always remember: You are UNIQUE,
University of Vermont           |    just like everyone else.
  "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

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