
Re: [Networker] Client based recovery

2003-02-12 07:23:00
Subject: Re: [Networker] Client based recovery
From: Stan Horwitz <stan AT TEMPLE DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 07:22:58 -0500
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Fred M Svensson wrote:
> So the questions..
> 1. How can I speed up the recover process so it starts faster? is the
> backupserver (with nsrindex and nsrd) the bottleneck? Should I have a linux
> or unix server instead..

Consider doing a saveset recover. This involves using the -S option on the
recover command.

> 2. Why are the amount of files different under the recover process.. I cant
> understand it..

I don't have an answer to your second question. Sorry. I am sure others on
this list will though.

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