Re: dsmcad on linux system

2006-09-08 10:58:15
Subject: Re: dsmcad on linux system
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 10:47:24 -0400
On Sep 8, 2006, at 10:31 AM, James Marcinek wrote:


The lsof sure did help. I found that the port the client was
listening on was:  1837 instead of 1581? What could cause this, the
other port not coming up? More importantly how does one correct
this sort of thing. How do I correctly stop and start the dsmcad?
Should I just kill it and restart?

Good find - OS utilities can get right to the essence of things.
The client option HTTPport should determine the port number.
Use 'lsof -i :1581' to see if there is a usurper process (a
perpetual bugaboo in systems work): the first claimant gets the
port number.
Watch out for an environment variable directing you to the wrong
options file, and confusing things.

The dsmcad can be simply killed and started; but beware its
possible presence in /etc/inittab, with respawn, etc.
Go to the TSM Support Page and search on    dsmcad inittab

  Richard Sims

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