
Re: [BackupPC-users] Thinking aloud about backup rotation

2010-01-27 05:58:22
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Thinking aloud about backup rotation
From: "PD Support" <support-lists AT DOT uk>
To: "'General list for user discussion, questions and support'" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 10:33:48 -0000
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Edmunds [mailto:kae AT midnighthax DOT com] 
Sent: 26 January 2010 14:00
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Thinking aloud about backup rotation

> If I have a source/dest folder with a week's worth of backups in it
> labelled Mon_backup.bak, Tue_backup.bak...
> It would be great if BackupPC had some way of 'knowing' that a folder
> contained files of a cyclic nature like this

If you use BackupPC for backups, it knows what to backup each time. It is
unreasonable to expect BackupPC to guess that you are also (for some
unstated reason) carrying out backups via a different mechanism which
BackupPC should somehow be aware of.

Why don't you trust BackupPC to backup your data, period? If the
Mon_backup.bak files are simply local copies, just exclude them from
BackupPC altogether, and have BackupPC backup the source instead.


The source is one file; the dump from an SQL database so it cannot be
directly backed up. In this case, backing up today's dump by comparing it
with yesterdays (with a different name) would be an extremely useful and
time/bandwidth saving function - maybe even a 'selling point' for BackupPC!?

Think about it - as things stand at the moment, backing up
'Wed_filename.bak' by comparing it with the currently-backed up version is
looking at a file on the BackupPC server that has one week of changes in it
rather than just one day's.

If I was a clever-enough programmer (which I am not), I'd have a go at
implementing this feature so that - for example - files that start !D0 !D1
etc. In a folder are assumed to be cyclic backups and so target file !D2xxxx
to backup is compared with the local copy of !D1xxxx. On a simple logic
basis I can't see that being a major coding exercise (if you know what you
are doing!) with a bit of clever temporary renaming?

Well, it was just an idea!

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