
[BackupPC-users] FW: Centos Install not working - PROGRESS!

2009-08-22 16:12:44
Subject: [BackupPC-users] FW: Centos Install not working - PROGRESS!
From: "Nigel Kendrick" <support-lists AT DOT uk>
To: "'General list for user discussion, questions and support'" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 21:09:00 +0100
I am forwarding the message below to the list as the original reply just
went to Holger's personal address (sorry!)


I have now done some more investigation and found that this is not an suexec
issue but a 'perl taint' one. 

To cut a long story short, I found that the backuppc service start/stop code
in /etc/init.d has a hard-coded reference to the 'backuppc' user, but I am
running all my code as 'backuppc2' - a user I created with a high uid:gid to
satisfy suexec. 

Now that I have changed this reference to 'backuppc2', I am 22GB into a
backup so things are looking hopeful!

This also explained why I was having problems stopping/restarting backuppc -
I was getting errors reading logs and other files in /var/log/BackupPC and
had noticed the files were created with a uid:gid of backuppc2:backuppc

Would it be simple to change the start/stop script for the next release so
it picked up the right user from




Nigel Kendrick wrote on 2009-08-22 01:08:23 +0100 [[BackupPC-users] Centos
Install not working,]:
> [...]
> I have slogged through various errors to get Backuppc working with suexec
> and although I am close, all I get when I try and run the app is a listing
> of the cgi code rather than it being executed. [...]
> NameVirtualHost
> <VirtualHost>
>    ServerName [snipped]
>    ServerAlias [snipped]
>    DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>    SuexecUserGroup backuppc2 backuppc2
>    ScriptAlias /backuppc/cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/backuppc/cgi-bin/
> </VirtualHost>
> <Directory /var/www/html/backuppc/cgi-bin>
>    Options +ExecCGI

I'm no Apache expert, but the Debian package contains the lines

     AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
     DirectoryIndex index.cgi

and names the executable index.cgi. As Apache obviously does not recognize
script as an executable, that might be something that could help (the second
line is only so that the directory name without the "index.cgi" will also
lead to execution of the script, I believe. That makes sense especially if
cgi-bin directory is actually the DocumentRoot of the VirtualHost ...).


Hi Holger,

Many thanks. The cgi lines put me on the right track, together with changing
some group permissions in a folder I'd missed.

I can now get the Web interface running and I can configure things, but jobs
don't run:

2009-08-22 12:32:48 User admin requested backup of accounts (accounts)
Insecure dependency in exec while running setuid at /usr/bin/BackupPC line

I think this a problem with suexec and the fact that some of the code is in
/usr/lib/BackuPC rather than under the Web document root, but looking at, changing this needs a reinstall or lots of references in
othermodules changed:

#   InstallDir - where the bin, lib and doc installation dirs reside.
#                Note: you cannot change this value since all the
#                perl scripts include this path.  You must reinstall
#                with to change InstallDir.

I am going to take a break from this as it's eating into my weekend, but any
help from anyone appreciated.


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