
Re: A question about RAIT with mixed vtapes, and physical tapes

2006-03-29 16:43:27
Subject: Re: A question about RAIT with mixed vtapes, and physical tapes
From: stan <stanb AT panix DOT com>
To: Anthony Worrall <anthony.worrall AT DOT uk>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 15:34:20 -0500
On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 02:57:18PM +0100, Anthony   Worrall wrote:
> Hi
> We have just done exactly this. I setup the RAUT as a chg-multi with 5
> slots
> I then ran a little script to copy the tape label before running amdump
> I also setup two other configs one for just using the tape which is used
> by amcheck and on which just uses the vtapes so we can recover files
> without having to mount the tapes. 
> I later increase the number of vtapes to 10 so we could run amflush
> without  overwriting the last nights tape by using amodified version of
> the script below
> I hope this helps
> Please feel free to contact me if you need more details
Sorry to be dense. This is a new concept to me, so I'm struggling to get my
thoughts straight on it.

Perhaps an example will help me.

I (like you) have 5 vtapes (BTW are yours the same size as the physical
tapes ?) mine wind up being smaller. I want to rotate 25 tapes.

I see the benefit of having the 3 configs, and I will follow your example
there. I had missed the fact that if I did not set up a vtape only one, I
would have to mount the tape. This would defeat the purpose of being able
to recover, while a backup is running.

Both the vtape, and the physical tape need to have the same label, correct?
The tape will carry it's label with it, and I am thinking that I can
overwrite the label on the vtape as needed. Thus after the firs 5 days, the
vatpaes would be DailyDump00 -> 04, and I would have the same physical
tapes. On day 6 of the run I would insert a new tape. Then I would label
it, and slot 1 of the vtape changer with the label DailyDump05, and so
forth. But I can't see how I can do this without having to _always_ run
amalbel. Which I would prefer not to do.

Is that what your script address?

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