
Re: Backup via ssh-tunnel

2005-11-22 15:32:17
Subject: Re: Backup via ssh-tunnel
From: Paddy Sreenivasan <paddy AT zmanda DOT com>
To: matilda matilda <matilda AT grandel DOT de>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 12:12:14 -0800

On 11/22/05, matilda matilda <matilda AT grandel DOT de> wrote:
Good morning,

one client in our network which we want to backup with amanda is only reachable
throuh ssh because it is in the DMZ. (Only connections from intranet to DMZ allowed).

Is there a way to use AMANDA through a properly established tunnel?

I have updated Amanda wiki with  SSH tunnel information  (
I have not tested the procedure. This procedure is cumbersome. We are working on
making Amanda improvements to make it easier.

You can use 2.5.0b1 and "ssh" authentication method if you want to use the ssh for all Amanda clients.

Is there a way to specify a different than the default port for a certain client (DLE)?

This is a good feature to have. It should be possible to restrict amanda client and server communication to
a port (or few ports) on the server. Can you open a bug  in tracker? (


Best regards
Andreas Mock


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