
Re: Dump command on Debian

2004-07-12 16:36:16
Subject: Re: Dump command on Debian
From: John Bossert <jbossert AT affidian DOT com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 13:28:39 -0700
Gtar works fine (and I use it for my Dailies.)

Here, I'm trying to establish a "bare metal" restore process. With Solaris, if _really bad things_ happen, I can take my ufs dumps and rebuild a machine fairly directly.

Is the "best practice" in the Debian world to just use gtar for this?

How do others manage this?  Thx.


R.M. Evers wrote:


you say gtar and dump work on the sun boxes, but only state that dump
fails on the debian boxes (which is probably correct, since it only
dumps ext2 filesystems). did you try gtar? it should work.. :-)


On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 17:07, John Bossert wrote:

Adding a pair of Debian(woody) clients to a Solaris shop... Amanda is working just fine with both gtar and dump on the Sun boxes.

Trying to dump filesystems, failed. Discovered that there's no "dump" on the debian boxes...

All the filesystems are jfs, yet the "dump" package I find at (0.4b27-4) appears oriented towards ext2.

What package do I want to install on these clients to play nice with Amanda? Thx.

La thiorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne.
La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi.
Ici, nous avons riuni thiorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi!

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