
"no slots available" error with amanda and chg-zd-mtx

2003-08-01 11:50:01
Subject: "no slots available" error with amanda and chg-zd-mtx
From: "Woodman, Joel" <woodman AT chuma1.cas.usf DOT edu>
To: "'amanda-users AT amanda DOT org'" <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 11:44:07 -0400
Hello Amanda folks,

I'm a shiny new Amanda user, with a Dell PowerEdge 6450 server and a
PowerVault 120T tape pod. The server's running RedHat Linux 9 and Amanda
2.4.4p1, with chg-zd-mtx managing the tape changer. mtx is mtx 1.2.18rel,
from As far as I can tell, I've configured everything
properly, however I've been stumped by one serious error:

# /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx -info
<none> no slots available

Here's what the system has to say about the hardware:

"cat /proc/scsi/scsi"

Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
  Vendor: ADIC     Model: FastStor DLT     Rev: D116
  Type:   Medium Changer                   ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 03 Lun: 00
  Vendor: QUANTUM  Model: DLT7000          Rev: 2561
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 02

"mtx -f /dev/sg0 status"

  Storage Changer /dev/sg0:1 Drives, 7 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full 
      Storage Element 2:Full 
      Storage Element 3:Empty
      Storage Element 4:Empty
      Storage Element 5:Empty
      Storage Element 6:Empty
      Storage Element 7:Empty

This is correct-- There are tapes in slots 1 and 2, and no tapes are loaded.

The chg-zd-mtx log does show that something's gone wrong:

chg-zd-mtx: debug 1 pid 26374 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Fri Aug  1 11:21:48
11:21:49 Using config file /etc/amanda/cas-unix/changer.conf
11:21:49 Arg info:
         $# = 1
         $0 = "/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx"
         $1 = "-info"
11:21:49 Running: mtx status
11:21:49 Exit code: 127
/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx: line 381: mtx: command not found
11:21:49 Exit (2) -> <none> no slots available
chg-zd-mtx: pid 26452 finish time Fri Aug  1 11:21:49 2003

Here's the changer.conf file:


... and here's the pertinent bits of amanda.conf:

runtapes 7              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst0"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/etc/amanda/cas-unix/changer"
changerdev "/dev/sg0"

tapetype DLT7000-IV-C     # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
labelstr "^cas-unix-[0-9][0-9][0-9]*$"  # label constraint regex: all tapes
must match

So-- what gives? If I run amtape, it says that no slots are available, just
like chg-zd-mtx does.
