
different configs

2003-04-21 08:39:05
Subject: different configs
From: Laas Toom <laas AT haldjas.folklore DOT ee>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 13:44:19 +0300 (EEST)

I got to thinking that nevertheless i know some things about amanda, i
still do not know, how are different configs related to each other.

I mean that if i have a config that runs (via crontab) every day
doing backups to 14 tapes in rotation.
And a config that runs 4 times a year doing full backups of the
site to 2 tapes going to be archived (replaced by new tapes).

will amanda discuss both indexes in order to recover a lost file or do i
have to look them up myself (based on the date of file i want to recover)

Laas Toom

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