
RE: level 0 of huge filesystem not working (tar returned 2, and the backup fails)

2003-03-13 11:03:58
Subject: RE: level 0 of huge filesystem not working (tar returned 2, and the backup fails)
From: "wab" <wab AT purdue DOT edu>
To: "'Joshua Baker-LePain'" <jlb17 AT duke DOT edu>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 09:47:26 -0500
It's AIX.

So is this I/O error referring to writing to tape, or reading the file
from disk? I'd much rather use tar than dump... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Baker-LePain [mailto:jlb17 AT duke DOT edu] 
> ? gtar: Read error at byte 53808128, reading 10240 bytes, in file
> ./archive/www/access.0203.gz: I/O error

An I/O error is bad.  Look in your system logs for more info on that.
Look into that I/O error.  Also, is this Solaris?  For whatever reason, 
tar seems rather slow on Solaris (at least a lot of questions on this 
list seem to point that way).  If that's a filesystem, could you try 