[ADSM-L] TS3500 library changes to Max Cartridges and Max VIO slots

2015-10-12 08:02:09
Subject: [ADSM-L] TS3500 library changes to Max Cartridges and Max VIO slots
From: Zoltan Forray <zforray AT VCU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 08:00:32 -0400

Our TS3500 is configured as 2-logical libraries with n-slots configured for
each.  We just reached the maximum number of cartridges I can load into one
of these libraries due to the Max Cartridges value.  I want to adjust the
2-logical libraries to shift slots from one to the other.  Also want to
reduce the VIO Slots (currently at default/max of 255 for each library).

When I tried to change the Max. Cartridges value for one of the libraries,
I got the message "WARNING - Changing Maximum settings for a logical
library may require reconfiguration of the host applications for selected
logical library"

The TS3500 is solely used for TSM.  2-of my 7-TSM servers are assigned as
library managers of the 2-logical libraries (1-onsite and 1-offsite
tapes).  All TSM servers are RH Linux.

Will I need to restart/reboot the 2-TSM servers that manage the libraries
if I make this change?  Will it impact all of the TSM servers?

*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Xymon Monitor Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zforray AT vcu DOT edu - 804-828-4807
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