Re: backspace in Linux dsmadmc

2003-05-15 16:08:58
Subject: Re: backspace in Linux dsmadmc
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 16:08:28 -0400
>this has been bugging me for al long time, but since my desktop changed
>from Solaris to Linux at work, I now have to suffer from this during
>days as well as evings at home.
>dsmadmc when run on the Linux console very happily accepts Backspace as
>Backspace, no problem. But when I log into X dsmadmc ignors the
>backspace completely, xmodmap tells me that backspace is mapped to
>0xff08 (^H) but still ^H and backspace give very different results. Is
>this a misfeature? Is this a bug somewhere in linux?
>We are running the dsmadmc client on both Mandrake 9.1 systems (me at
>home) and Debian 3.0, both with the same result.
>Anyone got a clue as how to solve this?

Remco - Your Unix 'stty' settings are probably at the root of this.
        Do 'stty -a' or the equivalent and check your "erase" spec.
Different flavors of Unix do this stuff differently, so check your man page.
(This stuff is 1970s and very ugly.)  Doing 'stty ek' or 'stty sane' may fix
for you.  That which is called the Backspace key on keyboards may actually
be generating a Delete - and to further confuse things, may be mapped to
something else.

  Richard Sims, BU

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