Re: can't over the 30 GB on tape.

2001-07-02 02:29:58
Subject: Re: can't over the 30 GB on tape.
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 08:51:51 -0400
>I have adsm 3.1 on aix 4.2.1 with DLT library. On the library I have 3
>stgpool NT,UNIX and Oracle.
>After having a space problem on the library we decided to upgrade the
>20/40GB tape drive
>to 35/70GB tape drive and start labeling all the volumes.
>The problem is that in the unix stgpool I can see 35G capacity on the
>volume some time more then that, but on the NT stgpool the capacity on
>the volume can't get over the 30GB per volume with status full & pct
>The IBM guy's told me to change the drive format from fromat=drive to
>fomat=dlt35, but this didn't help.
>I told them that the problem is only on the NT stgpool there is no
>problem on the unix stgpool.

The "IBM guys" might instead have advised specifying Format=DLT35C
if they thought there was a problem with Format=DRIVE.
But: Are your clients doing their own compression...?

   Richard Sims, BU
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