
Re: Unknow Cisco trap & xnmloadmib looping

2000-11-22 10:18:17
Subject: Re: Unknow Cisco trap & xnmloadmib looping
From: thierry.van-mol AT CIEV.vd DOT ch
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:18:17 +0100

Many thanks for the pointer. I found the MIB. By looking at it, it
is not perfectly clear , but it gave me an idea of what it is related to.

Now I have another question. I loaded the mib successfully with
xnmloadmib2. I then modified the MIB to try to made it V1 compatible,
but when I try to use xnmloadmib to load it, it just runs
forever. I tried to let it run for 10 hours, but no success.
While that, top show me that using a lot of CPU: so it is
trying to do something, but why doesn't it end?

I have attached the modified mib file below. So if someone has an


On 21.11.2000 00:42:44 owner-nv-l wrote:
>At 02:58 PM 17-11-00 +0100, you wrote:
>>I have Netview 6.01 and CiscoWorks 2000 (LMS1.0) installed on
>>the same Solaris 2.6 box.
>>In Netview, I see often a unknown trap arriving:
>>I don't find any reference to this trap in Cisco mibs.
>>I have a feeling this is related to the the ANI server of CW2000.
>>Has anyone seen this before?
>>Many thanks in advance,
>I believe it is defined in the CISCO-EVENT-DISTR-MIB, Cisco's
>implementation of one of the new Distributed Management MIBs.
>If you have installed Cisco Works 2000, you should have this MIB file.
>(This MIB is not automatically loaded.) Look under ......../objects/eds.
>Joe Fernandez
>Kardinia Software
>jfernand AT kardinia DOT com
>NV-L List information and Archives: http://www.tkg.com/nv-l

            FROM SNMPv2-SMI-v1
            FROM RFC-1215
--        OBJECT-GROUP,
--            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
            FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1
            FROM CISCO-SMI;

ciscoEventDistrMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMgmt 127 }
--        LAST-UPDATED        "9903010000Z"
--        ORGANIZATION        "Cisco Systems, Inc."
--        CONTACT-INFO
--            "       Cisco Systems
--                    Customer Service
--            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
--                    San Jose, CA  95134
--                    USA
--               Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
--            E-mail: cs-eds AT cisco DOT com"
--            "Event Distribution System, (EDS) MIB.  
--            This MIB provides a mapping of internal Cisco network 
--            management product events into SNMP notifications.
--            EDS is an event distribution system used for network
--            management products.  Applications can asynchronously 
--            generate notifications to other products to reflect 
--            various network events: changes to router configurations,
--            network topology discovery, device status/health, etc.
--            This MIB identifies the object mapping of converting EDS
--            event information into an SNMP notification.  The 
--            notifications can be integrated into a traditional network
--            management system.
--            An EDS event is used for passing information between
--            various network management products.  The data contained
--            within the event, and thus encoded into the SNMP 
--            notification is driven by the application that is
--            generating the event.  All EDS events have the same base
--            format, and this MIB defines a mapping of how those events
--            are converted into an SNMP notification message.
--            Also contained within the EDS event is a severity indication.  
--            The mapping of the EDS event severity is provided by 
--            identifying separate SNMP notifications based upon the EDS 
--            event severity.  One advantage of doing so allows a receiving 
--            network management system, (NMS), to map the event into their 
--            own severity indicators.
--            The EDS severity values, listed in decreasing order of 
--            importance, are:
--            o  Critical
--            o  Major
--            o  Minor
--            o  Informational
--            ATOM REGISTRATION:
--            Prior to an application generating an event, the application 
--            must register with the EDS system any additional identifiers 
--            that it plans on sending within the event.  These identifiers
--            are used for specifying characteristics of the event, such as
--            the name of the event, as well as any resources that pertain to
--            the event being generated.
--            Applications extend the identifier values by registering
--            unique integer values, (atoms), along with a textual display
--            name for the atom.  These identifier values are application 
--            specific, and created by the applications as needed.  For the
--            ease of understanding the event information, display names for
--            the application atoms are encoded within the notification.
--            The registry for this atom information is maintained within the
--            EDS system.  Additionally, the name of the application that is
--            generating the event is encoded into the notification.
--            The EDS system also provides dedicated APIs for allowing 
--            an application to receive EDS events directly, instead of via
--            an SNMP notification.  These APIs provide additional 
--            functionality regarding retries, reliable event delivery, event
--            filtering, and other forms of notification."
--        REVISION        "9903010000Z"
--            "Initial version of this MIB module."

ciscoEventDistrMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIB 1 }

cedsEvent   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBObjects 1 }

--  cedsEvent

        SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535) 
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "This provides an identification of what the event is about.
             Applications can register their own event IDs, along with 
             a text display name for the event ID.
             Refer to Atom Registration in the MIB description."
        ::= { cedsEvent 1 }

        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The display name associated with the cedsEventID.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 2 }

cedsEventCategory OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535) 
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "This provides information regarding to which category this 
             event belongs.  Applications can create their own 
             categories, along with a text display name for the category.  
             Examples: Topology, Status, Threshold, Configuration.
             Refer to Atom Registration in the MIB description."
        ::= { cedsEvent 3 }

cedsEventCategoryName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The display name associated with the cedsEventCategory.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 4 }

cedsEventCreatedTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     DateAndTime
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The timestamp for when the event was created."
        ::= { cedsEvent 5 }

cedsEventSentTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     DateAndTime
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The timestamp for when the event was sent."
        ::= { cedsEvent 6 }

cedsEventApplicationName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The name of the application registered with EDS that 
             generated the event.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 7 }

cedsEventClassName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (1..255))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "An application can extend the basic components on an EDS
             event by providing a new class of events.  This object
             identifies the class name associated with the generated 
             event. This value is specific to the application that 
             generated the event."
        ::= { cedsEvent 8 }

cedsEventResourceType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535) 
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The type of the resource associated with the event.  An 
             application can create their own resource types to define 
             specific components within the event.  
             Example:  Router, Switch, Bridge
             Refer to Atom Registration in the MIB description."
        ::= { cedsEvent 9 }

cedsEventResourceTypeName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The display name for the cedsEventResourceType.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 10 }

cedsEventResourceAttribute OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535) 
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "Each resource can have attributes associated with it for 
             further defining information for the event.  
             Examples: hostname, port number, slot number, device id.
             Refer to Atom Registration in the MIB description."
        ::= { cedsEvent 11 }

cedsEventResourceAttributeName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The display name for the cedsEventResourceAttribute.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 12 }

cedsEventResourceAttributeValue OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The value associated with a resource attribute.  For a 
             given attribute, this variable contains the string value 
             representation for that attribute.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 13 }

cedsEventUniqueDataName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..80))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "Applications can define unique data that does not conform
             to a resource type.  This object contains the name of an 
             event's unique data item.  The value associated with the
             data item is stored subsequently in the
             cedsEventUniqueDataValue object.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 14 }

cedsEventUniqueDataValue OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))
        MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
        STATUS     current
            "The value for a unique data item contained in the event.
             The name associated with the unique data item is stored
             in the cedsEventUniqueDataName object.
             The syntax SnmpAdminString is used to provide a
             UTF-8 representation of the data."
        ::= { cedsEvent 15 }

-- Notifications

--ciscoEventDistrMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
--    { ciscoEventDistrMIB 2 }
--ciscoEventDistrMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
--    { ciscoEventDistrMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
--cedsCriticalEvent TRAP-TYPE
--        OBJECTS { cedsEventID, 
--                  cedsEventIDName,
--                  cedsEventCategory,
--                  cedsEventCategoryName,
--                  cedsEventCreatedTime,
--                  cedsEventSentTime,
--                  cedsEventApplicationName,
--                  cedsEventClassName,
--                  cedsEventResourceType,
--                  cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataValue }
----        STATUS  current
--            "Notification of an EDS event that has a 
--             severity of Critical.  This trap can contain replicated
--             objects in that the 5-tuple consisting of:
--                cedsEventResourceType,
--                cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--             can be repeated to define multiple resources for the
--             event.  Also, the 2-tuple of:
--                cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                cedsEventUniqueDataValue
--             can be replicated to identify multiple unique data
--             name/value pairs contained within the event.  These 
--             objects will only appear in the notification if they
--             are relevant."
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBNotifications 1 }
--cedsMajorEvent TRAP-TYPE
--        OBJECTS { cedsEventID, 
--                  cedsEventIDName,
--                  cedsEventCategory,
--                  cedsEventCategoryName,
--                  cedsEventCreatedTime,
--                  cedsEventSentTime,
--                  cedsEventApplicationName,
--                  cedsEventClassName,
--                  cedsEventResourceType,
--                  cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataValue }
----        STATUS  current
--            "Notification of an EDS event that has a 
--             severity of Major.  This trap can contain replicated
--             objects in that the 5-tuple consisting of:
--                cedsEventResourceType,
--                cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--             can be repeated to define multiple resources for the
--             event.  Also, the 2-tuple of:
--                cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                cedsEventUniqueDataValue
--             can be replicated to identify multiple unique data
--             name/value pairs contained within the event.  These 
--             objects will only appear in the notification if they
--             are relevant."
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBNotifications 2 }
--cedsMinorEvent TRAP-TYPE
--        OBJECTS { cedsEventID, 
--                  cedsEventIDName,
--                  cedsEventCategory,
--                  cedsEventCategoryName,
--                  cedsEventCreatedTime,
--                  cedsEventSentTime,
--                  cedsEventApplicationName,
--                  cedsEventClassName,
--                  cedsEventResourceType,
--                  cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataValue }
----        STATUS  current
--            "Notification of an EDS event that has a 
--             severity of Minor.  This trap can contain replicated
--             objects in that the 5-tuple consisting of:
--                cedsEventResourceType,
--                cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--             can be repeated to define multiple resources for the
--             event.  Also, the 2-tuple of:
--                cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                cedsEventUniqueDataValue
--             can be replicated to identify multiple unique data
--             name/value pairs contained within the event.  These 
--             objects will only appear in the notification if they
--             are relevant."
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBNotifications 3 }
--cedsInformationalEvent TRAP-TYPE
--        OBJECTS { cedsEventID, 
--                  cedsEventIDName,
--                  cedsEventCategory,
--                  cedsEventCategoryName,
--                  cedsEventCreatedTime,
--                  cedsEventSentTime,
--                  cedsEventApplicationName,
--                  cedsEventClassName,
--                  cedsEventResourceType,
--                  cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                  cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                  cedsEventUniqueDataValue }
----        STATUS  current
--            "Notification of an EDS event that has a 
--             severity of Informational.  This trap can contain 
--             replicated objects in that the 5-tuple consisting of:
--                cedsEventResourceType,
--                cedsEventResourceTypeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttribute,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
--                cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
--             can be repeated to define multiple resources for the
--             event.  Also, the 2-tuple of:
--                cedsEventUniqueDataName,
--                cedsEventUniqueDataValue
--             can be replicated to identify multiple unique data
--             name/value pairs contained within the event.  These 
--             objects will only appear in the notification if they
--             are relevant."
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBNotifications 4 }
---- Conformance
--ciscoEventDistrMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIB 3 }
--ciscoEventDistrMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBConformance 1 }
--ciscoEventDistrMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER 
--        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBConformance 2 }
---- Compliance
---- ciscoEventDistrMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
----        STATUS current
----        DESCRIPTION
----            "The compliance statement for entities which implement
----            the Cisco Event Distribution MIB."
----        MODULE        -- this module
----                MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoEventDistrMIBGroup, 
----                                   ciscoEventDistrNotificationGroup }
----        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBCompliances 1 }
---- Units of Conformance
----ciscoEventDistrMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
----        OBJECTS { cedsEventID, 
----                  cedsEventIDName,
----                  cedsEventCategory,
----                  cedsEventCategoryName,
----                  cedsEventCreatedTime,
----                  cedsEventSentTime,
----                  cedsEventApplicationName,
----                  cedsEventClassName,
----                  cedsEventResourceType,
----                  cedsEventResourceTypeName,
----                  cedsEventResourceAttribute,
----                  cedsEventResourceAttributeName,
----                  cedsEventResourceAttributeValue,
----                  cedsEventUniqueDataName,
----                  cedsEventUniqueDataValue }
----        STATUS current
----        DESCRIPTION
----            "A collection of objects that comprise an EDS event."
----        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBGroups 1 }
----ciscoEventDistrNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
----        NOTIFICATIONS {
----                cedsCriticalEvent,
----                cedsMajorEvent,
----                cedsMinorEvent,
----                cedsInformationalEvent }
----        STATUS current
----        DESCRIPTION
----            "A group of notifications of which one will be generated
----             for an EDS event.  The specific notification generated
----             is dependent upon the event's severity classification."
----        ::= { ciscoEventDistrMIBGroups 2 }

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