
SNMP config community name presidence ???

1999-07-23 11:10:26
Subject: SNMP config community name presidence ???
From: "Jeffrey G. Fitzwater" <jfitz AT PRINCETON DOT EDU>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 11:10:26 -0400
I am running NV 5.1.1 on Solaris.

I have built the obj database using LOADHOSTS.

I use different snmp community names for different groups of devices.

After all the devices are loaded , I  then set the default community name in the snmpconf to one of the names  I use.

I then do a demand poll on  all devices loaded, to update object info to be ISSNMP =YES.

I repeat this using all community names I need.

At this point the database knows all objects are SNMP.

I then create CONTAINERS grouped according to the different community names.

According to the manual, when you query a device that is snmp, it  first looks in the snmpconf file for a specific entry, if none exist it looks for an IP range, if none exist it looks for a container and if none exist it looks at default.

PROBLEM:    After I create a container and set the community string for each container,  the system always uses the default.
But if I do an XNMSNMPCONF -RESOLVE (TARGET) it returns the container community name as I would expect.

QUESTION:   Is this the way it works or is it broke or am I setting something wrong?

Thanks for any help.

Jeff Fitzwater
Princeton University

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