Hello Geeks !
early today we faced issue that library is down ,so i rebooted the library but nothing happened as robot and drives still not visible to OS.
Firstly i deleted drive and try to reconfigure but did not work as it did not allow me to cretae the storage unit.
Rebooted the server then robot and drives got visible but now error is
Error 254 Unable to load information for netbackup storage units from . Error status 254 : server name server name not found in netbackup configuration
nbemmcmd -listhosts is fine
[root@labonte volmgr]# nbemmcmd -listhosts
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.5
The following hosts were found:
server labontebkup
master labontebkup
media labonte
media galrmv02
labontebkup is the interface with which master server has been configured.
Now all storage units are gone and even ltid is getting stopped again and again.
Kindly advise.