
Re: [Veritas-bu] Reclaiming tapes to the scratch volume pool

2007-12-09 21:03:23
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Reclaiming tapes to the scratch volume pool
From: "jim fred" <jim.fred01 AT gmail DOT com>
To: VERITAS-BU AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:44:25 +1100
You will also see this when you have decommissioned a media server.  Tapes belonging to the media server don't tend to be returned to the SCRATCH pool.   This when you get a  lot of tapes with DBBACKUP status when you run available_media.  The available_media script when it doesn't know what to do with a tape gives it a DBBACKUP status.  
This should fix that and other similar stuff.  
1. First generate a list of suspect tapes.  First column is the mediaIDs.
2. Run this script - it checks to see if their a images on each media and spews out a very simple output.  Patience is required it may take a will to run
# Author Jim McDonald , Sydney Aust 
# usage : script name followed by a file that has one column with media IDs to check
# output goes to /tmp/med-in-images and genrates rows of
#     media_id  FRAG  client_name
#     media_id  IMAG  client_name
#     media_id  no entity was found
# sorted by media_id
# "no entity was found" = no images on that tape
let CNT=0
for MED in $(cat $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'); do
 let CNT=CNT+1
 echo $CNT , $MED  # let you know its doing some work
  bpimmedia -mediaid $MED 2>&1 | nawk  -v media=$MED '
            $1 == "FRAG" { printf "%s  FRAG %s \n",media,$10}
            $1 == "IMAG" { printf "%s  IMAG %s \n",media,$2}
           /found/  { printf "%s  %s\n",media,$0}
          '  >> $TMP_FILE
3. You now have a file that list what is on media, incuded those that have nothing.
4. Create a list of files that you want to fix,  Run
    grep "no entity was found" /tmp/med-in-images  > to_deassign
5. Run this script to
# Author Jim McDonald , Sydney Aust 
# this generates lines like :
# vmquery -deassignbyid AZ0070 3
# input : a file with one column of media  IDs
METHOD="vmquery -deassignbyid"
for MEDIA in $(cat $1 | awk '{ print $1 }'); do
  vmquery -m $MEDIA 2>&1 | sed s/0x//g | tr -d ")" | tr -d "(" | \
    nawk -v how="$METHOD" ' /media ID:/   { printf"\n%s %s ",how,$3}
                                        /volume pool:/   { printf"%s ",$4}
                                        /status:/           { printf"%s",$2 } '
METHOD can be edited to include sudo if required

This generates outout for each
vmquery -deassignbyid Z00471 38 0
vmquery -deassignbyid CV1700 1 1
vmquery -deassignbyid CV1905 1 1
vmquery -deassignbyid CV0901 25 0

from their it simple to deassign all the media i.e your SCRATCH pool should automagically grow


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu