
Re: [Networker] Tape Blocks Limits; acceptable or worse?

2013-01-17 12:10:44
Subject: Re: [Networker] Tape Blocks Limits; acceptable or worse?
From: Dag Nygren <dag AT newtech DOT fi>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:10:25 +0200
On Thursday 17 January 2013 08:00:23 dba9999 wrote:
> Hi Dag,
> Thank you. I am just starting using EMC Networker so I am beginner ...
> Could you point me a document or a link that specifies It will only use 32k - 
> 512k ?

The default block size for the different tape technologies is chosen by the 
development team to be the best
for the device.
And experience tells me that there is very little to gain going over 256k in 
most cases.
I do have a vague memory of seeing 512k for some type of device, but don't 
what device.
Anyway it has very little to do with the backup client and all to do with
the type of tape drive you have.
You can look for blocksize in the performance tuning guide. The newest one has
some figures for LTO-4 and there you can see the rate levelling out at 256K.

But as Carsten (bingo) said you can force it if you really want. There is 
usually no need for it though.
