
[Networker] NMO 4.2 versus 4.5?

2008-07-23 18:54:55
Subject: [Networker] NMO 4.2 versus 4.5?
From: George Sinclair <George.Sinclair AT NOAA DOT GOV>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 18:51:56 -0400

Question here on the benefits and/or need to go from NMO 4.2 to 4.5
Seems odd they jumped from 4.2 to 4.5. Hmm ...

anyway, we're using NMO 4.2 on two RH Linux boxes, each running Oracle and we're running NW 7.2.2 now on those and the primary server. We're planning an upgrade, however, to a newer NW server release - most likely 7.4 SP2. As part of the upgrade plan, the issue of how this might effect Oracle came up.

According to the EMC Information Protection Software Compatibility Guide, it looks like both NMO 4.2 and 4.5 are supported for our version of Oracle.

1. Should we upgrade our current NMO from 4.2 to 4.5 also?

2. Should we also upgrade the client to 7.4 SP2? I know our regular clients don't need to be upgraded immediately, but for the two that run Oracle, maybe they should ASAP after upgrading the primary server?

Would appreciate any advice from others that are running Oracle.


George Sinclair
NOAA/NESDIS/National Oceanographic Data Center
SSMC3 E/OC3 Room 4145         | Voice: (301) 713-3284 x210
1315 East West Highway        | Fax:   (301) 713-3301
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282  | Web Site:
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