
Re: [Networker] Networker and Data Domain

2008-05-08 17:46:47
Subject: Re: [Networker] Networker and Data Domain
From: Curtis Preston <cpreston AT GLASSHOUSE DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 17:42:00 -0400
It happens all the time.  Usually vendors are smart enough not to reply to the 
list.  (In this case, the vendor tells me it was an accident that he replied to 
the list.)  As long as the vendor doesn't lie and misrepresent themselves as a 
user, or makes "unwelcome advances" to the user, I don't have an issue with it.

I would define "unwelcome advances" as anything beyond replying to the person's 
email, such as calling them.  If I asked a question and you're a vendor, and 
you just reply to my email and say, "hey, I've got a different idea from a 
competing vendor.  If you want to hear about it, call me."  But if you grab my 
phone number from my signature and call me 20 times, well, that's a different 

Trust me.  Hardware and software vendors are watching.  Just look at the 
addresses on the subscribee list if you doubt that.

Curtis Preston  |  VP Data Protection  
GlassHouse Technologies, Inc.
T: +1 760 710 2004 |  C: +1 760 419 5838 |  F: F: +1 760 710 2009  
cpreston AT glasshouse DOT com |
Infrastructure :: Optimized

-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On 
Behalf Of Bruce Breidall
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Networker] Networker and Data Domain

I didn't realize the listserv is a vendor hunting ground....

Is this normal or ethical?

-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Steve Duffy
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Networker] Networker and Data Domain



I would very much appreciate the chance to outline the differences
between Data Domain's approach to backup vs. ExaGrid systems.


Data Domain uses Block-Level data deduplication.  They also do the
process in-line to use less disk.


The problems with this approach are:


Backup performance is impeded by in-line de-duplication

Backup performance is impeded because you have to put all the blocks
back together again.

Tape copy performance is impeded because you have to put all the blocks
back together again.

Performance degrades as data grows because they only add storage
capacity and not additional process/memory to in-line

De-dupe the growing data.


Their net:


Higher priced

Slower performance for backup, restore and tape copy

Poor scalability


ExaGrid has focused on the backup process and built a system to improve
backup with grid scalability.


Fast backup performance - shortest backup window

Fast restore - 90% of restores come from the most recent backup, and
ExaGrid retains the last full backup in its entirety.

Fast Tape Copy

Performance scales as the data grows

All at the best price <>


How many TB's are you backing up in a Full?

Do you need a 1 or 2 site?

May I do a presentation for you? (online or in-person)



Steve Duffy


Stephen Duffy

ExaGrid Systems, Inc.

2000 West Park Drive, Suite 110

Westborough, MA  01581

Office: 774-760-0325 direct

Mobile: 603-498-3852

sduffy AT exagrid DOT com <> 

Cost-effective Disk-based Backup



-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Kevin Malone
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 2:01 PM
Subject: [Networker] Networker and Data Domain


If there is anyone out there who is using a Data Domain dedupe solution
with Networker and would be willing to have a conversation (good or bad)
about it with me, I would be appreciative.  


We are looking at dedupe solutions and I am not endorsing any at this
point, but that is one that we have come across.


You can send me a private e-mail so as not to clog up the listserv.







Kevin Malone

Network Administrator

Salisbury University

Information Technology  FH297

kcmalone AT salisbury DOT edu



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