Re: [Networker] How to query for whether a volume is mounted?
2008-05-06 12:56:00
"Michael Nored" <mrnored AT netzero DOT net> wrote on 05/06/2008 12:18:43 PM:
> Michael,
> Use nsradmin to check the device:
> nsradmin
> Show name;message
> print type:NSR device
> Michael Nored
> Consultant
> Nored Consulting, LLC
> M: (407) 399-8162
> T: (352) 350-7142
> E: mnored AT Netzero DOT net
Thanks. But I'd need to do this in a script, and parse the output, so the
script can make decisions. And this way doesn't always seem to include the
word "unmounted", apparently ..
Unmounterd volumes (i.e., node that isn't hosting the virtual server, and
is not mounted):
name: \
message: read only;
same situation (node that isn't hosting, and is not mounted; note
different response)
message: " ";
Anyone know of a more consistent method of querying? There's no way to
return "mounted status"? I see the same message of "read only" for both
mounted and unmounted volumes.
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