
Re: [Networker] excluding directories when using ndmp

2007-10-09 11:07:24
Subject: Re: [Networker] excluding directories when using ndmp
From: A Darren Dunham <ddunham AT TAOS DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 15:04:22 +0000
On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 05:22:53PM -0700, Vernon Harris wrote:
> What's the best way to exclude directories when using ndmp???

In general, this is not possible.  NDMP is something that the remote
(NDMP) host performs, and that host may not have a method for exlcuding
specific files or directories (or at least not listen to Networker if it
tries to request it).

For a particylar system though, check the vendor-specific section of the
NDMP stuff in the admin guide.  There you'll find the syntax for
exluding files from a Network Appliance filer as an example (It takes an
EXCLUDE= string with some limited wildcard capabilities).

Darren Dunham                                           ddunham AT taos DOT com
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS  
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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