
Re: [Networker] Index retention and Browse times

2006-07-10 13:15:27
Subject: Re: [Networker] Index retention and Browse times
From: Darren Dunham <ddunham AT TAOS DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:15:02 -0700
> I need to extend browse and retention times on existing tapes including 
> some that have already expired. How do I do this....

Step 1:  Change the times to reflect what you want now.

Do this with 'nsrmm -S <ssid> -e <retention> -e <browse>'

Step 2:  Unexpire any savesets necessary.

For all the savesets that have passed the old retention period but not
the new one, unexpire them.  This step will also unexpire any volume
that they occupy if it has already expired.

'nsrmm -o notrecyclable -S <ssid>'

Step 3:  Recover file indexes if necessary.

If the old browse period has passed, then the file index information on
the saveset was purged.  You can recover them now or just wait and see
if it is necessary in the future.

Easiest is to use nsrck -L7 and recover the indexes back to the date you

Darren Dunham                                           ddunham AT taos DOT com
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS  
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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