
Re: [Bacula-users] no more appenable volumes -- what's the preferred way to handle this

2012-10-25 22:23:15
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] no more appenable volumes -- what's the preferred way to handle this
From: Jari Fredriksson <jarif AT iki DOT fi>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 05:04:27 +0300
08.10.2012 10:31, mayak-cq kirjoitti:
> hi all,
> i have a bacula instance that's been running fine for a long while ...
> i was able to tweak the volume retention to keep a maximum number of
> backups available, until, a user saved a gigantic amount of (valuable)
> data to his disk.
> so -- i now have no appendable volumes left to backup to:
> - what is the best way to deal with this -- that is -- is there a way
> to globally reduce the volume retention of all volumes?
> - do i manually recycle a bunch of volumes by hand?
> many thanks
> m
I use "Purge Oldest Volume = Yes" and it works for me. This overrides
the retention periods, if I run out of free media. I still have 3 months
backups always, and if this override is sometimes temporarily needed it
is not a problem.


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