
Re: [Bacula-users] Problem backup Exchange 2010

2011-10-17 11:24:51
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Problem backup Exchange 2010
From: Mark <bacula-list AT nerdish DOT us>
To: "Joseph L. Casale" <jcasale AT activenetwerx DOT com>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 09:57:26 -0500
Hi Joseph,

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 5:24 AM, Joseph L. Casale <jcasale AT activenetwerx DOT com> wrote:
>I have a client that upgrade his infrastructure with Exchange 2010.
>If I enable the exchange Plugins the backup fails
>Client is Windows 2008 R2 (64bit)
>Server -> centos + 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
>What I have to do make it work?

I do this with a vss script that creates and exposes a snapshot of the drives that the
exchange stores Its data on, but as the DB's are small at about 30gig I always do fulls
every day. After the backup, it releases the exposed drive and drops the snapshot.

This flushes the transaction logs and is perfectly valid backup, I verify the restore in a
mock environment once and a while and it works well.

Since the Windows Bacula agent uses VSS snapshots to do its backups, what is your script doing differently than simply configuring Bacula to backup e.g. the D: drive (if your Exchange DBs are on D:)?  Honest question, not being critical.  I've been doing backups as another replier mentioned, using Windows Backup and then backing up that resulting image with Bacula.  Perhaps that's overkill?


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