
Re: [Bacula-users] 5.0.3 psql indexes after upgrade

2010-10-04 06:18:45
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] 5.0.3 psql indexes after upgrade
From: Rory Campbell-Lange <rory AT campbell-lange DOT net>
To: Ralf Gross <Ralf-Lists AT ralfgross DOT de>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 11:15:19 +0100
On 04/10/10, Ralf Gross (Ralf-Lists AT ralfgross DOT de) wrote:
> Hi,
> I just updated from 3.0.3 to 5.0.3. I know that there have been problems with
> the update_postgresql_tables script. Here are my indexes:
> bacula=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename='file';
>  schemaname | tablename |   indexname    | tablespace |                       
>            indexdef                                   
> ------------+-----------+----------------+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  public     | file      | file_pkey      |            | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX 
> file_pkey ON file USING btree (fileid)
>  public     | file      | file_jobid_idx |            | CREATE INDEX 
> file_jobid_idx ON file USING btree (jobid)
>  public     | file      | file_jpfid_idx |            | CREATE INDEX 
> file_jpfid_idx ON file USING btree (jobid, pathid, filenameid)
> (3 Zeilen)
> Can anyone confirm that these indexes are correct. Looking at the manual, they
> look ok to me.

All of the indexes are below; you seem to have the correct ones for the file 

The Debian problems with 5.0.3 were/are related to the upgrade trying to create
an index that already exists. See  Bug#591293.


bacula=> \di
                            List of relations
 Schema |             Name              | Type  | Owner  |     Table      
 public | basefiles_jobid_idx           | index | bacula | basefiles
 public | basefiles_pkey                | index | bacula | basefiles
 public | cdimages_pkey                 | index | bacula | cdimages
 public | client_name_idx               | index | bacula | client
 public | client_pkey                   | index | bacula | client
 public | counters_pkey                 | index | bacula | counters
 public | device_pkey                   | index | bacula | device
 public | file_jobid_idx                | index | bacula | file
 public | file_jpfid_idx                | index | bacula | file
 public | file_pkey                     | index | bacula | file
 public | filename_name_idx             | index | bacula | filename
 public | filename_pkey                 | index | bacula | filename
 public | fileset_name_idx              | index | bacula | fileset
 public | fileset_pkey                  | index | bacula | fileset
 public | job_media_firstindex          | index | bacula | jobmedia
 public | job_media_job_id_media_id_idx | index | bacula | jobmedia
 public | job_media_lastindex           | index | bacula | jobmedia
 public | job_name_idx                  | index | bacula | job
 public | job_pkey                      | index | bacula | job
 public | jobhisto_idx                  | index | bacula | jobhisto
 public | jobmedia_pkey                 | index | bacula | jobmedia
 public | location_pkey                 | index | bacula | location
 public | locationlog_pkey              | index | bacula | locationlog
 public | log_name_idx                  | index | bacula | log
 public | log_pkey                      | index | bacula | log
 public | media_pkey                    | index | bacula | media
 public | media_volumename_id           | index | bacula | media
 public | mediatype_pkey                | index | bacula | mediatype
 public | path_name_idx                 | index | bacula | path
 public | path_pkey                     | index | bacula | path
 public | pathhierarchy_pkey            | index | bacula | pathhierarchy
 public | pathhierarchy_ppathid         | index | bacula | pathhierarchy
 public | pathvisibility_jobid          | index | bacula | pathvisibility
 public | pathvisibility_pkey           | index | bacula | pathvisibility
 public | pool_name_idx                 | index | bacula | pool
 public | pool_pkey                     | index | bacula | pool
 public | status_pkey                   | index | bacula | status
 public | storage_pkey                  | index | bacula | storage
 public | unsavedfiles_pkey             | index | bacula | unsavedfiles

Rory Campbell-Lange
rory AT campbell-lange DOT net

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