
Re: [Bacula-users] Migration from MySQL backend to PostgreSQL backend ?

2008-07-12 11:38:47
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Migration from MySQL backend to PostgreSQL backend ?
From: "Brice Figureau" <brice+bacula AT daysofwonder DOT com>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 17:38:09 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, July 10, 2008 21:15, Yuri Timofeev wrote:
> Try
> bacula_DB_copy_from_MySQL_to_PGSQL.php
> Warning. I used this script only to test the database.

Thanks for your script. I started to use it and it was working fine.

Unfortunately it was really slow because there are lots of data to
fetch/insert and both database engines are running on the same host,
competing both for the same disk.

So I ended doing the following, based on your script, and general advice I
could gather on the net about speeding postgresql data import:

1) I dumped the mysql database in CSV format:
mysqldump --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"'
--lines-terminated-by='\n' -T /tmp/dump

This produces .txt files in the /tmp/dump folder.

2) I added to postgresql the bacula schema and table definition as
explained in Bacula documentation.

3) I rewrote (used sed in fact) some of the .txt file to change the
various \N to nothing (NULL definition for postgresql copy), and did the
same for 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

4) in psql I used the copy with csv postgresql command to import the files:

Basically, for each table I did:
copy file from '/tmp/dumptest/File.txt' with csv;

The only caveats were:
 * in my bacula version (2.2.8), the postgresql schema of jobmedia doesn't
contain the stripe column. I manually added it the schema.
 * the job table fields are not ordered the same in mysql and postgresql,
so I had to list the columns in the aforementioned copy statement.

5) I updated the sequences to match the last id. Copy doesn't increment
the sequence unlike inserts, so I manually reset the various sequences
manually, with this kind of command:
select setval('storage_storageid_seq', max(storageid)) from storage;

6) I tested a few backup and restore, and everything seems OK. dbcheck
warns about the same issues as with mysql :-)

Anyway, thanks for pointing me to your script, it helped me for the full
of 0 date that should be mapped to NULL :-)
Brice Figureau
Days of Wonder

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