
[BackupPC-users] server maintenance: reconstruct missing poolCnt; find/delete references to missing pool files

2017-03-07 10:23:48
Subject: [BackupPC-users] server maintenance: reconstruct missing poolCnt; find/delete references to missing pool files
From: Alexander Kobel <a-kobel AT a-kobel DOT de>
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 15:56:36 +0100
Dear all,

I have a rather small, private, non-$$$M-mission-critical instance of a 
BackupPC server running for years (that went from several 3.something through 
4.0.0alpha3 to, recently, 4.0.0).
After the 4.0.0 migration, I decided to run again some semi-manual maintenance 
(read: fsck and refCountUpdate). Yet, after an (admitted, more or less random) 
sequence of
  BackupPC_fsck -f
  BackupPC_fsck -f -s
  BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m
  BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m -F -c
  BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m -F -c -s
  BackupPC_nightly 0 255
I'm still stuck with the following messages:

> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on <host> #1188 since there are no 
> poolCnt files
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: doing fsck on <host> #1190 since there are no 
> poolCnt files
> ...
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host <host> got 0 errors (took 5 secs)

The backups in question seem to be fully intact; some are full backups, some 
are incremental. It's just on a minority of backups (appx. 15 out of 350 
backups), and fortunately on small ones where fsck does not take ages, so it 
does not bother me too much. Nevertheless, can the missing poolCnt data be 
recomputed? fsck seems to do the counting from scratch; can this be stored?

> BackupPC_fsck: building main count database
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 00000000000000000000000000000000 
> count 30
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 0601e1b90a7f92ce4cffa588ef2cc9da 
> count 1
> ...
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file ea1bd7ab2e0000000000000000000000 
> count 1
> ...
> BackupPC_refCountUpdate total errors: 70
> BackupPC_fsck: Calling poolCountUpdate

IIUC, this means that there are reference to files with that hash *somewhere* 
in the backups, but the respective files are missing from the cpool. Since the 
number is very low, I'm not really worried; in particular, I'm pretty sure that 
the pool file with hash 0*32 is a spurious one. Nevertheless, I'd like to see 
which filenames/entries refer to the missing pool files, and if possible delete 
those altogether to get a "clean" state without nagging messages. 
Unfortunately, I'm entirely clueless on how to approach that.

FWIW: the server runs on CentOS 7.3, on an ext3 filesystem, with (manually 
installed) BackupPC 4.0.0, compression activated since the dawn of time.

I'd be grateful for any hints to attack any of the above inconveniences. Thanks!


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