
[BackupPC-users] localhost tar exit 512

2015-06-21 08:40:07
Subject: [BackupPC-users] localhost tar exit 512
From: Robert Wooden <rbrtewdn AT comcast DOT net>
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 12:38:08 +0000 (UTC)
I have been using Backuppc for years. Made some changes/adjustments with some of my clients and all is working well except localhost. I have also tried the localhost IP address as apposed to just 'localhost'. The 'su backupps' user can ping both 'localhost' and it's IP address and I am still getting a "tar exited . . . 512" message. (Yes, backuppc user is member of visudo.)

This all started with my creating a second backuppc server (different location) and I could not get 'localhost' to backup on it, either. So, I went to my (still running Ubuntu 12.04) older machine to see how I had it set for localhost. And discovered that localhost was not working on it, either.

Here is the error log (U12.04):
Running: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/tar -v -f - -C / --totals ./proc ./dev ./tmp ./mnt ./media ./sys ./lost+found ./usr/src ./var/lib ./var/tmp ./var/cache ./var/spool ./var/run ./var/lock ./var/games ./home/*/.Trash ./home/*/.mozilla/*/*/Cache ./home/*/.mozilla/*/*/.Cache.Trash ./home/partimag
full backup started for directory /
Xfer PIDs are now 18900,18899
/bin/tar: You must specify one of the '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' options
Try '/bin/tar --help' or '/bin/tar --usage' for more information.
Tar exited with error 512 () status
tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0 filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal
Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share /)
Backup aborted (No files dumped for share /)
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)

I am getting the same errors on the newer Ubuntu 14.04 machine.

What is the "You must specify one . . . " statement in the log?
Any ideas what might be wrong?

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