
[BackupPC-users] backuppc does not backup empty files

2010-07-06 06:36:50
Subject: [BackupPC-users] backuppc does not backup empty files
From: Chantal Rosmuller <crosmuller AT gmail DOT com>
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net, Chantal Rosmuller <crosmuller AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 12:31:43 +0200
Hi list,

While restoring the thunderbird emails of a user I noticed that backuppc hadn't backed up the empty files. I do not understand why?

The client is a Windows 7 pc and the backup method is samba, backuppc version is 3.0.0


$Conf{ServerHost} = 'localhost';
$Conf{ServerPort} = -1;
$Conf{ServerMesgSecret} = '';
$Conf{MyPath} = '/bin';
$Conf{UmaskMode} = 027;
$Conf{WakeupSchedule} = [1..23];
$Conf{MaxBackups} = 4;
$Conf{MaxUserBackups} = 4;
$Conf{MaxPendingCmds} = 10;
$Conf{MaxBackupPCNightlyJobs} = 2;
$Conf{BackupPCNightlyPeriod} = 1;
$Conf{MaxOldLogFiles} = 14;
$Conf{DfPath} = '/bin/df';
$Conf{DfCmd} = '$dfPath $topDir';
$Conf{SplitPath} = '/usr/bin/split';
$Conf{ParPath}   = '';
$Conf{CatPath}   = '/bin/cat';
$Conf{GzipPath}  = '/bin/gzip';
$Conf{Bzip2Path} = '/usr/bin/bzip2';
$Conf{DfMaxUsagePct} = 95;
$Conf{TrashCleanSleepSec} = 300;
$Conf{DHCPAddressRanges} = [];
$Conf{BackupPCUser} = 'backuppc';
$Conf{TopDir}      = '/home/backuppc';
$Conf{ConfDir}     = '/etc/BackupPC';
$Conf{LogDir}      = '/var/log/BackupPC';
$Conf{InstallDir}  = '/usr';
$Conf{CgiDir}      = '/usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin';
$Conf{BackupPCUserVerify} = 1;
$Conf{HardLinkMax} = 31999;
$Conf{PerlModuleLoad}     = undef;
$Conf{ServerInitdPath} = '';
$Conf{ServerInitdStartCmd} = '';
$Conf{FullPeriod} = 6.97;
$Conf{IncrPeriod} = 0.97;
$Conf{FullKeepCnt} = 1;
$Conf{FullKeepCntMin} = 1;
$Conf{FullAgeMax}     = 90;
$Conf{IncrKeepCnt} = 6;
$Conf{IncrKeepCntMin} = 1;
$Conf{IncrAgeMax}     = 30;
$Conf{IncrLevels} = [1];
$Conf{BackupsDisable} = 0;
$Conf{PartialAgeMax} = 3;
$Conf{IncrFill} = 0;
$Conf{RestoreInfoKeepCnt} = 10;
$Conf{ArchiveInfoKeepCnt} = 10;
$Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = undef;
$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = undef;
$Conf{BlackoutBadPingLimit} = 3;
$Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt}      = 7;
$Conf{BlackoutPeriods} = [
    hourBegin =>  7.0,
    hourEnd   => 19.5,
    weekDays  => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
$Conf{BackupZeroFilesIsFatal} = 1;
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar';
$Conf{XferLogLevel} = 1;
$Conf{ClientCharset} = '';
$Conf{SmbShareName} = 'C$';
$Conf{SmbShareUserName} = '';
$Conf{SmbSharePasswd} = '';
$Conf{SmbClientPath} = '/usr/bin/smbclient';
$Conf{SmbClientFullCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName'
        . ' $I_option -U $userName -E -N -d 1'
            . ' -c tarmode\\ full -Tc$X_option - $fileList';
$Conf{SmbClientIncrCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName'
        . ' $I_option -U $userName -E -N -d 1'
        . ' -c tarmode\\ full -TcN$X_option $timeStampFile - $fileList';
$Conf{SmbClientRestoreCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName'
            . ' $I_option -U $userName -E -N -d 1'
            . ' -c tarmode\\ full -Tx -';
$Conf{TarShareName} = '/home',' /etc';
$Conf{TarClientCmd} = '/usr/bin/env LC_ALL=C $tarPath -c -v -f - -C $shareName'
                        . ' --totals';
$Conf{TarFullArgs} = '$fileList+';
$Conf{TarIncrArgs} = '--newer=$incrDate+ $fileList+';
$Conf{TarClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host'
           . ' env LC_ALL=C $tarPath -x -p --numeric-owner --same-owner'
           . ' -v -f - -C $shareName+';
$Conf{TarClientPath} = '/bin/gtar';
$Conf{RsyncClientPath} = '/usr/bin/rsync';
$Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';
$Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';
$Conf{RsyncShareName} = '/';
$Conf{RsyncdClientPort} = 873;
$Conf{RsyncdUserName} = '';
$Conf{RsyncdPasswd} = '';
$Conf{RsyncdAuthRequired} = 1;
$Conf{RsyncCsumCacheVerifyProb} = 0.01;
$Conf{RsyncArgs} = [
$Conf{RsyncRestoreArgs} = [
$Conf{BackupPCdShareName} = '/';
$Conf{BackupPCdPath} = '';
$Conf{BackupPCdCmd} = '$bpcdPath $host $shareName $poolDir XXXX $poolCompress $topDir/pc/$client/new';
$Conf{BackupPCdRestoreCmd} = '$bpcdPath TODO';
$Conf{ArchiveDest} = '/mnt/crypt';
$Conf{ArchiveComp} = 'gzip';
$Conf{ArchivePar} = 0;
$Conf{ArchiveSplit} = 0;
$Conf{ArchiveClientCmd} = '$Installdir/bin/BackupPC_archiveHost'
    . ' $tarCreatePath $splitpath $parpath $host $backupnumber'
    . ' $compression $compext $splitsize $archiveloc $parfile *';
$Conf{SshPath} = '/usr/bin/ssh';
$Conf{NmbLookupPath} = '/usr/bin/nmblookup';
$Conf{NmbLookupCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath -A $host';
$Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath $host';
$Conf{FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck} = 0;
$Conf{PingPath} = '/bin/ping';
$Conf{PingCmd} = '$pingPath -c 1 -w 3 $host';
$Conf{PingMaxMsec} = 20;
$Conf{CompressLevel} = 3;
$Conf{ClientTimeout} = 72000;
$Conf{MaxOldPerPCLogFiles} = 12;
$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}     = undef;
$Conf{DumpPostUserCmd}    = undef;
$Conf{DumpPreShareCmd}    = undef;
$Conf{DumpPostShareCmd}   = undef;
$Conf{RestorePreUserCmd}  = undef;
$Conf{RestorePostUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{ArchivePreUserCmd}  = undef;
$Conf{ArchivePostUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{UserCmdCheckStatus} = 0;
$Conf{ClientNameAlias} = undef;
$Conf{SendmailPath} = '/bin/mail';
$Conf{EMailNotifyMinDays} = 0.5;
$Conf{EMailFromUserName} = 'backuppc';
$Conf{EMailAdminUserName} = 'system AT tmcr DOT nl';
$Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} = '';
$Conf{EMailNoBackupEverSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNoBackupEverMesg} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays} = 7.0;
$Conf{EMailNoBackupRecentSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNoBackupRecentMesg} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNotifyOldOutlookDays} = 5.0;
$Conf{EMailOutlookBackupSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailOutlookBackupMesg} = undef;
$Conf{EMailHeaders} = <<EOF;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
$Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = '';
$Conf{CgiAdminUsers}     = 'admin,chantal';
$Conf{CgiURL} = 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin';
$Conf{Language} = 'en';
$Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} = '';
$Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate}     = 'mailto:%s';
$Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} = 1;
$Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} = 1;
$Conf{CgiSearchBoxEnable} = 1;
$Conf{CgiNavBarLinks} = [
        link  => "/backuppc/html/doc/BackupPC.html",
        link  => "",
        link  => "",
$Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor} = {
$Conf{CgiHeaders} = '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">';
$Conf{CgiImageDir} = '/usr/share/backuppc/html';
$Conf{CgiExt2ContentType} = { };
$Conf{CgiImageDirURL} = '/backuppc/html';
$Conf{CgiCSSFile} = 'BackupPC_stnd.css';
$Conf{CgiUserConfigEditEnable} = 1;
$Conf{CgiUserConfigEdit} = {
        FullPeriod                => 1,
        IncrPeriod                => 1,
        FullKeepCnt               => 1,
        FullKeepCntMin            => 1,
        FullAgeMax                => 1,
        IncrKeepCnt               => 1,
        IncrKeepCntMin            => 1,
        IncrAgeMax                => 1,
        IncrLevels                => 1,
        IncrFill                  => 1,
        PartialAgeMax             => 1,
        RestoreInfoKeepCnt        => 1,
        ArchiveInfoKeepCnt        => 1,
        BackupFilesOnly           => 1,
        BackupFilesExclude        => 1,
        BackupsDisable            => 1,
        BlackoutBadPingLimit      => 1,
        BlackoutGoodCnt           => 1,
        BlackoutPeriods           => 1,
        BackupZeroFilesIsFatal    => 1,
        ClientCharset             => 1,
        XferMethod                => 1,
        XferLogLevel              => 1,
        SmbShareName              => 1,
        SmbShareUserName          => 1,
        SmbSharePasswd            => 1,
        SmbClientFullCmd          => 0,
        SmbClientIncrCmd          => 0,
        SmbClientRestoreCmd       => 0,
        TarShareName              => 1,
        TarFullArgs               => 1,
        TarIncrArgs               => 1,
        TarClientCmd              => 0,
        TarClientRestoreCmd       => 0,
        TarClientPath             => 0,
        RsyncShareName            => 1,
        RsyncdClientPort          => 1,
        RsyncdPasswd              => 1,
        RsyncdAuthRequired        => 1,
        RsyncCsumCacheVerifyProb  => 1,
        RsyncArgs                 => 1,
        RsyncRestoreArgs          => 1,
        RsyncClientCmd            => 0,
        RsyncClientRestoreCmd     => 0,
        RsyncClientPath           => 0,
        ArchiveDest               => 1,
        ArchiveComp               => 1,
        ArchivePar                => 1,
        ArchiveSplit              => 1,
        ArchiveClientCmd          => 0,
        FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck   => 1,
        NmbLookupCmd              => 0,
        NmbLookupFindHostCmd      => 0,
        PingMaxMsec               => 1,
        PingCmd                   => 0,
        ClientTimeout             => 1,
        MaxOldPerPCLogFiles       => 1,
        CompressLevel             => 1,
        ClientNameAlias           => 1,
        DumpPreUserCmd            => 0,
        DumpPostUserCmd           => 0,
        RestorePreUserCmd         => 0,
        RestorePostUserCmd        => 0,
        ArchivePreUserCmd         => 0,
        ArchivePostUserCmd        => 0,
        DumpPostShareCmd          => 0,
        DumpPreShareCmd           => 0,
        UserCmdCheckStatus        => 0,
        EMailNotifyMinDays        => 1,
        EMailFromUserName         => 1,
        EMailAdminUserName        => 1,
        EMailUserDestDomain       => 1,
        EMailNoBackupEverSubj     => 1,
        EMailNoBackupEverMesg     => 1,
        EMailNotifyOldBackupDays  => 1,
        EMailNoBackupRecentSubj   => 1,
        EMailNoBackupRecentMesg   => 1,
        EMailNotifyOldOutlookDays => 1,
        EMailOutlookBackupSubj    => 1,
        EMailOutlookBackupMesg    => 1,
        EMailHeaders              => 1,

configuration for this particular pc

$Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb';
$Conf{ClientTimeout} = 14400;
$Conf{SmbSharePasswd} = 'secret';
$Conf{SmbShareUserName} = 'administrator';

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