
Re: Awful dump performance in recent Linux distributions

2009-09-24 00:32:00
Subject: Re: Awful dump performance in recent Linux distributions
From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs AT math.uh DOT edu>
To: "Roger Williams" <R.Williams AT gns.cri DOT nz>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 21:45:39 -0500
>>>>> "RW" == Roger Williams <R.Williams AT gns.cri DOT nz> writes:

RW> I have been very disappointed to discover that the performance of
RW> Linux dump seems to be completely awful in recent RedHat Enterprise
RW> and CentOS releases.
RW> Have other Amanda admins seen this?

Yes, I've seen the same.  I've no idea what's gone wrong, but switching
to tar seems to be the best solution.  Unfortunately the idea of writing
to the filesystem in order to back it up seems... dumb to me, and dump
has never failed in fifteen years of use regardless of that the
naysayers seem to make up about it.

 - J<

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