
why permission denied on /dev/nst0 ?

2008-07-28 09:41:56
Subject: why permission denied on /dev/nst0 ?
From: Kenji Lefevre <support AT ihp.jussieu DOT fr>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:27:29 +0200

i'm trying to use amrecover but it doesn't work.
I got this line in amidxtaped.20080728141244.debug

Could not rewind device '/dev/nst0': tape_rewind: tape open: /dev/nst0:
Permission denied
could not open tape device /dev/nst0: Permission denied

though i'm running amrecover as root with id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

and /dev/nst0 has permission
crw-rw---- 1 root disk 9, 128 Jun 25 11:39 /dev/nst0

So root belongs to group disk.

Moreover amverify works (launched by root).
What's wrong ?

        Thanks for your answer.


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