
Re: AManda Virtual Tape Manager (amvtm)

2007-10-19 09:46:28
Subject: Re: AManda Virtual Tape Manager (amvtm)
From: Ronan Keryell <Ronan.Keryell AT enstb DOT org>
To: "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin AT zmanda DOT com>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:38:17 +0200
>>>>> On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 20:37:07 -0500, "Dustin J. Mitchell" <dustin AT zmanda 
>>>>> DOT com> said:

    Dustin> On 9/28/07, Ronan Keryell <Ronan.Keryell AT enstb DOT org> wrote:
    >> I've written a small script to help us to use AMANDA on removable
    >> disks. It is in use for 6 months and is helpful, so it may be
    >> useful for someone else too. :-)

    Dustin> We'd love to have a link to this on the wiki
    Dustin> (

Of course you can.

    Dustin>   It looks fairly Linux- and purpose-specific, so I'm not sure
    Dustin> it's appropriate for inclusion in the codebase, but it could
    Dustin> certainly inspire others who are in similar situations.

Yes, it is Linux specific and tested on Debian.

But I've just found the right hardware to use it:

Right know I need to change 3 screws every 8 days, so it could be
quicker with this rack... :-)

    Dustin> On a related note, since you're scripting around Amanda, I'd
    Dustin> be interested to hear your thoughts on the recent proposal on
    Dustin> amanda-hackers to move Amanda's core algorithms to a scripting
    Dustin> language.  See

That is quite interesting, but far enough from my script above, that is
only used as a virtual tape management tool. Of course, with a SWIG
interface, I could easily peek into AMANDA config file without having to
write am AMANDA config parser or worse, hard-coding them in the bash
script (what is just done now :-) ). So I'm going to follow your SWIG action...

PS: I switched from Perl to Python few years ago after years of Perl
programming and teaching, when I discovered I was no longer able to read
code I had writtem before. :-)
  Ronan KERYELL                 |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
  Département Informatique      |/)  Fax:    (+33|0)
  ENST Bretagne, CS 83818       K    GSM:    (+33|0)
  F-29238 PLOUZANÉ CEDEX 3      |\   E-mail: rk AT enstb DOT org
  FRANCE                        | \
                                     sip:keryell AT ekiga DOT net

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