
Re: warnings about UINT8/16/64_MAX being re-defined when compiling

2007-10-02 18:24:33
Subject: Re: warnings about UINT8/16/64_MAX being re-defined when compiling
From: Peter Kunst <peter.kunst AT swissrisk DOT com>
To: cdewick AT DOT au
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 00:27:25 +0200
I've already reported this topic to the list, but neither get any responses, nor seen it on the list itself. I'm using gcc 3.4.6, which itself was compiled on the target Solaris9 box.


On 10/03/2007 12:12 AM, Craig Dewick wrote:

Not sure if it's significant or not, but gcc throws out a LOT of warning messages about UINT8_MAX, UINT16_MAX and UINT64_MAX being re-defined when compiling. I don't know if it's a problem but figured it might be worth mentioning.

I'm currently using gcc 3.4.2 under Solaris 9.

I'm re-compiling Amanda on all three systems with '--with-db=db' changed to '--with-db=text' as someone suggested and I've seen the UINTx_MAX re-defined warnings every time I've recompiled Amanda recently (not sure if it's just a 2.5.2p1 problem though) and didn't pay much attention to them. 8-)


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