
trying to reuse a disktape many times in one day

2007-09-11 13:51:25
Subject: trying to reuse a disktape many times in one day
From: "johns AT msli DOT com" <johns AT msli DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:39:10 -0700
I am trying to test Amanda before installing a tape drive, therefore I
am using the tapetype HARD-DISK.

Since the backup will be about 1TB in size, I created a partition of
this size ( /amandatapes ).

I don't have the resources to create more than one tape of this size, so
I have to reuse the tape multiple times in one day, during the testing

The problem is, I need to run multiple test runs in a single day (to
debug the errors for each disklist item), but amanda won't reuse my
single tape until the next calender day.

I thought I read about this, but after all the reading, I can't seem to
find it again.

Do I delete and recreate the tape?  
Can I simply change the date in the tapelist file manually?
Is it a matter of picking the right settings for tapecycle,
runspercycle, and dumpcycle?
Some way of marking a tape expired?
I imagine this is a very common novice problem, so it should be easy to
find in the docs...., but I can't find it.

Details about my backup:
Debian etch server a clients
BEGIN /etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf
org      "daily"   # your organization name for reports
mailto   "root AT abc DOT com" # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "backup"  # the user to run dumps under
inparallel 8       # maximum dumpers run in parallel (max 63)
dumporder "sssS"   # priority order of each dumper
taperalgo first    # Algorithm sends dump image to taper.
displayunit "g"    # Possible values: "k|m|g|t"
netusage  800 Kbps # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec
etimeout 1800      #default 300# seconds per filesystem for estimates.
labelstr "^daily[0-9][0-9]*$"
tapecycle    1 # 1
runspercycle 1
tapetype    HARD-DISK
tpchanger   "chg-disk"
changerfile "/etc/amanda/daily/changer.conf"
tapedev     "file:/amandatapes/daily"
logdir      "/var/log/amanda/daily"
infofile    "/etc/amanda/daily/curinfo"
indexdir    "/etc/amanda/daily/index"
usetimestamps YES
define tapetype HARD-DISK {
    comment "Dump onto hard disk"
    length 1003490 mbytes       # mbytes to get exact size of 1TB
define dumptype hard-disk-dump {
    comment "Back up to hard disk instead of tape - using dump"
    holdingdisk no
    index yes
    priority high
define dumptype hard-disk-tar {
    comment "Back up to hard disk instead of tape - using tar"
    priority high
    program "GNUTAR"
    index yes
    dumpcycle 1
    exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude-list"
END /etc/amanda/daily/amanda.conf
BEGIN /etc/amanda/daily/disklist
# hostname       diskdev              dumptype
# LOCALHOST BACKUP   sdb2                 hard-disk-tar   sdb1                 hard-disk-tar   mapper/vg00-home     hard-disk-tar   mapper/vg00-projects hard-disk-tar   mapper/vg00-images   hard-disk-tar   mapper/vg00-tmp      hard-disk-tar  /                    hard-disk-tar  /boot                hard-disk-tar   /                    hard-disk-tar   /boot                hard-disk-tar
END /etc/amanda/daily/disklist
BEGIN /etc/amanda/daily/tapelist
20070911095252 daily1 reuse
END /etc/amanda/daily/tapelist

Thank you for your help.

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