
Re: tapestatus file growing huge

2006-07-21 11:23:42
Subject: Re: tapestatus file growing huge
From: Rodrigo Ventura <yoda AT DOT pt>
To: Gene Heskett <gene.heskett AT verizon DOT net>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 16:17:37 +0100
On Friday 21 July 2006 15:58, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I'm just as puzzled, I now have the latest 2.5.1p1-20060719 installed
> and I have no such file either.
> Would the OP please supply the full path to this file?

The filename is tapestatus and is created in the config directory (e.g., where 
amanda.conf resides).

The bin responsible for it is chg-scsi. It grows in size in an amazing 

The changer.conf file contains the line:
tapestatus      /var/amanda/ISR/tapestatus # here will some status infos be 

so that's where the filename comes from. The file seems to be opened and 
filled in scsi-changer-driver.c (lines 4558 and 4696 onwards).




*** Rodrigo Martins de Matos Ventura <yoda AT DOT pt>
***  Web page:
***   Teaching Assistant and PhD Student at ISR:
***    Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Polo de Lisboa
***     Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
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