
problem backing up Windows host

2006-04-21 07:32:50
Subject: problem backing up Windows host
From: John Clement <j.clement AT readingroom DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:28:05 +0100
I've just inherited an amanda setup that has apparently never worked properly. The specific problem I'm trying to sort at the moment is summed up below.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: NAK access as amanda not allowed from amanda AT orinoco.internal.domain DOT com: cannot open /usr/amanda/etc/amanda/.amandahosts: Permission denied
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.002 seconds, 1 problem found

finn is a Windows server, and as far as I can see the client is setup the same on this as on another windows machine that is backing up ok. Its got 'amanda' and 'amanda_backup' as users of the machines, amanda is installed in c:\usr on both. There's a .amandahosts file on both with the same in:

orinoco x.x.x.x x.x.x.x

The only difference I can see is that finn is win 2000, and the one that works is win 2003. Any ideas anyone?



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