
One DLE too many!

2006-03-17 08:55:57
Subject: One DLE too many!
From: Vytas Janusauskas <vytas AT dendron DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:53:28 -0500
Hi Again,

It's taken me a couple of days to get the suggestions tested.

So this is my current DLE entries and output from the amanda report and comments from amrecover: Why are the DLEs with the "includes" failing? In the reports they claim to be succeeding but they are not doing what I want. Any attempt to recover the files fails using amrecover, which I am not surprised about . Do I need to add a wildcard (*) to the include directory names? Or am I missing something else?

Thanks Again!


hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1 /mnt/data06/Deforest3 {
    include file optional "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool"
    include file optional append "./Nova_Scotia_Photos"
} 87

planner: Forcing full dump of hal:/mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1 as directed.

hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1 0 10 1 10.0 0:02 0.0 0:00 2.3

Report states that it backed up 10KB as Level 0. The two directories contains over 40 GB of data

amrecover> setdisk /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1
200 Disk set to /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART2 /mnt/data06/Deforest3 {
    include file optional "./delivery*"
    include file optional append "./Imagery"
} 87

planner: Forcing full dump of hal:/mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART2 as directed.

hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART2 0 10 1 10.0 0:02 0.0 0:00 2.3

Report states that it backed up 10KB as Level 0. The two directories contains over 8 GB of data

amrecover> setdisk /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART2
200 Disk set to /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART2.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_REST /mnt/data06/Deforest3 {
    exclude file optional"./AirPhoto_Load_Tool"
    exclude file optional append "./Nova_Scotia_Photos"
    exclude file optional append "./delivery"
    exclude file optional append "./Imagery"
} 87

planner: Forcing full dump of hal:/mnt/data06/Deforest3_REST as directed.

hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_REST 0 30640990 22670888 74.0 114:19 3305.2 FAILED ------

Backup file flushed perfectly and appears to contain all the required excluded directories.
amrecover> setdisk /mnt/data06/Deforest3_REST
200 Disk set to /mnt/data06/Deforest3_REST.
amrecover> ls
2006-03-16 .
2006-03-16 NAPL/
2006-03-16 NS_Oblique_Aerials/
2006-03-16 Quality_Control/
2006-03-16 Received/
2006-03-16 readme.txt

Vytas Janusauskas
Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.
880 Lady Ellen Place,  Suite 206
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 5L9
Voice: (613) 725-2971
Fax: (613) 725-1716
<mailto:vytas AT dendron DOT com>

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