
Has anyone a script for Monthly/Daily backups

2005-08-17 13:07:08
Subject: Has anyone a script for Monthly/Daily backups
From: "chuck.amadi" <chuck.amadi AT ntlworld DOT com>
To: amanda <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 17:58:30 +0100
Has anyone a script that will check for the last friday of the month and if So run the monthly config backup or if not the usually daily config.

I am currently looking at hacking something together as I was just going to edit the crontab and comment and uncomment between daily and monthly.

I have a 10 tape run So a 2 week daily schedule but I to implement a monthly that will run on the last fridat of each month.

If anyone got a script please let me know ever - way I will post my hack if possible.