
Re: Seeking message clarification.

2005-06-03 07:29:47
Subject: Re: Seeking message clarification.
From: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT com>
To: erik AT epo DOT dk
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 13:13:20 +0200
Erik P. Olsen wrote:

Could someone explain to me what the message below from amdump means?
Especially the "fm 7 [OK]"

  taper: tape DailySet103 kb 1131232 fm 7 [OK]

taper, the component that does the actual writing to tape, informs you that it has written to the tape labeled `DailySet103', a total of about 1.1GB in seven files. `fm 7' means, I guess, filemark, and `[OK]' is just the final status.

If you hit EOF, the message looks like this:
taper: tape AM-140 kb 206012384 fm 139 writing file: No space left on device

Which tells me, on the tape labelled `AM-140', after writing about 206GB in 139 files, it got into trouble with the error message `No space left'. Which is, of course, quite reasonable.

Hope this helps,

Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
tel +33-1 42 68 18 28 /  fax +33-1 42 68 18 29

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