
Re: Backup of the backup machine

2005-05-10 10:43:44
Subject: Re: Backup of the backup machine
From: Jens Theisen <jens.theisen AT transversal DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:23:51 +0100
Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
It would also help if you could provide more detail on what symptoms
you see. Just "can't get it running" isn't enough to enable us to help
you in more detail.

That's what xinetd's log says in debug mode:

05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {main_loop} select returned 1
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {svc_suspend} Suspended service amanda
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {server_start} Starting service amanda
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {main_loop} active_services = 0
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {main_loop} active_services = 0
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {main_loop} select returned 1
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {check_pipe} Got signal 17 (Child exited)
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {child_exit} waitpid returned = 20147
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {server_end} amanda server 20147 exited
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {drain} UDP socket should be empty
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {svc_resume} Resumed service amanda
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {child_exit} waitpid returned = -1
05/5/10@13:52:34: DEBUG: 20048 {main_loop} active_services = 1

In the usual log there is nothing. In the service specific log, I get

05/5/10@13:52:34: START: amanda pid=20147 from=
05/5/10@13:52:34: FAIL: amanda address from=

and I have

service amanda
socket_type             = dgram
protocol                = udp
wait                    = yes
user                    = amanda
group                   = amanda
groups                  = yes
server                  = /home/amanda/sillytest
log_type                = FILE /root/amanda/amanda.log

in my xinetd.conf file. The sillytest is just a dummy to see wether it gets called or not. I doesn't. So this isn't really an amanda problem.

lsof is telling me xinetd is really listening on service amanda, but it's doesn't call my test script (or even amandad)

The access right are definitely correct.

Sorry to bother you with this; my knowledge about these things is really limited.


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