
Running multiple instances of amanda

2005-02-02 10:36:39
Subject: Running multiple instances of amanda
From: Vicki Stanfield <vicki AT progeny DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 10:19:25 -0500
I am testing a new version of amanda before putting it into play here at
work. The old version was 2.4.2p2. I can do the backups fine (I think),
but when I try to check them with amrecover, I get the following error:

morimoto:/usr/local/src/amanda-2.4.4p4/sbin# ./amrecover -C Progeny01
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p4. Contacting server on ...
220 morimoto AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
500 Access not allowed: [access as backup not allowed from
root AT morimoto.progeny DOT com] amandahostsauth failed

I am logging in as root, although I tried logging in as backup also. I
checked the previous binary and the permissions and ownership are the
same. To make this more clear, I have /etc/amanda/Progeny01
and /usr/sbin/am* from the 2.4.2p2 build
and /usr/local/src/amanda-2.4.4p4/etc/amanda/Progeny01
and /usr/local/src/amanda-2.4.4p4/sbin/am* from the 2.4.4p2 build. What
do I need to do to specify that I want the new one?


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