
Re: Skipped backups

2003-07-18 12:51:17
Subject: Re: Skipped backups
From: Eric Sproul <esproul AT ntelos DOT net>
To: bren AT midco DOT net
Date: 18 Jul 2003 12:49:23 -0400
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 10:30, Brendon Colby wrote:
> I'm running 2.4.2 on Debian so no autoflush. I will just have to eat this one 
> and hope they've got my tapes in proper rotation now. I'll set autoflush some 
> sunny day, perhaps when the next Debian release is out.

2.4.4 is in -testing if you're interested.  I know lots of people track
-stable on servers, but you end up pretty far behind the curve.  I've
found testing to be pretty reliable-- it's a nice balance between
up-to-date and works-as-expected.  :)

I'm tracking -testing on my amanda box and have had no problems.


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