
Re: Backing up large filesystems

2003-07-14 14:46:27
Subject: Re: Backing up large filesystems
From: Chris Dahn <chris.dahn AT computer DOT org>
To: Roland Barmettler <rob AT bbp DOT ch>, amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 14:41:24 -0400
On Monday 14 July 2003 02:37 pm, Roland Barmettler wrote:
> Hi All
> How would you backup large filesystems (multiple of a single tape)
> with Amanda since it cannot (yet) use multiple tapes ?
> Thanks for your thoughts...
> Greetings, Roland

  Can you chunk it up into several disklist entries? Then you can use one of 
the changer scripts to go across multiple tapes.

|Christopher Dahn          | Software Engineering Research Group,|
|3141 Chestnut St.         |   Feel the SERG!                    |
|Attn: CS Dept., CAT 186   |          |
|Philadelphia, PA  19104     ------------------------------ ------
|Office (PA): 215.895.0203 | "PGP" public key:            |
|Fax: 215.895.0545         | |

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